News & Events
SOLCUC 2017: It’s Hort time!
The XIV Solanaceae and III Cucurbitaceae Genomics Joint Conference (SOLCUC) will take place in Valencia/ Spain from September 03-06, 2017. This joint event aims to reunite the Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae scientific communities for the first time since 2011. The hosts have put together an excellent scientific programme that will cover recent developments in the genomics research including both...23/08/2017
Talking Carotenoids: DISCO represented at International Symposium on Carotenoids 2017
From July 9-14, 2017 the beautiful city of Lucerne in Switzerland opened its doors to the 18th International Symposium on Carotenoids. The Symposium organized by the International Carotenoid Society provided stimulating and educational lectures by leading scientific experts in the field of carotenoids as well as plenary lectures and parallel sessions comprised of insightful presentations. A...26/07/2017
Genes gone wild: DISCO @ the International Botanical Congress in China
From July 23-29, 2017 the XIX International Botanical Congress takes place in Shenzhen (China) at the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. Professor Ralph Bock, director of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam-Golm and partner in the DISCO project will provide a keynote lecture entitled “Genes gone wild: Experimental evolution meets synthetic biology”. This...25/07/2017
DISCO releases interview series with project partners
As part of the project’s communication activities, DISCO has produced a number of interviews with different members of the consortium. In this final stage of the project, the partners reflected on their activities and experiences within the project, the progress they made together and the results achieved.07/07/2017
From July 9th to 14th it’s all about Carotenoids
The 18th International Symposium on Carotenoids will take place July 9 - 14, 2017 in Lucerne, Switzerland. The aim of the symposium is to offer a well-organised arrangement of plenary talks by leaders in the key fields of carotenoid research, alongside parallel sessions dedicated to specific research areas. Plenary lectures and parallel sessions will comprise of insightful presentations. A...04/07/2017
Go East! DISCO at the TERPNET conference
The 13th international meeting on Biosynthesis, Function and Synthetic Biology of Isoprenoids (TERPNET 2017) will take place from July 16-20, 2017 in Dalian, Northeast China. TERPNET is an international affiliation of scientists working on all aspects of terpenes and isoprenoids. The research includes investigating the chemical structures and their biosynthetic mechanisms for assessing the...04/07/2017
How to translate research into practice? Key bottlenecks addressed at thematic workshop
Prof. Fraser and Dr Nogueira from DISCO partner RHUL participated in a high value chemicals workshop held in York on June 27, 2017. The event was organized by the High Value Chemicals from Plants Network (HVCfPN) and aimed at addressing scale-up and biorefining. This area is directly aligned to DISCO activities and future directions of the consortium. The workshop participants discussed about...29/06/2017