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DISCO at the final conference of the COST Action PlantEngine

April 14, 2015

DISCO partners and their work will be heavily represented at the forthcoming conference entitled “Challenges and prospects in PNP metabolic engineering and production” which will take place from April 15-17, 2015 in Sorrento (Italy).

This meeting is the final conference funded through the COST Action FA1006 Plant Engine that has developed a significant network of researchers working in the field. The DISCO coordinator Prof Fraser (Royal Holloway and Bedford New College) will present an overview of the DISCO project. The DISCO partners, Prof Hirschberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) will display his groups work on new sources of phytoene, Prof Giuliano (ENEA) the use of transcriptomics in elucidating the apocarotenoid pathway in saffron and Prof Socaciu (Proplanta S.r.l.) their teams work on the formulation of carotenoids for improved stability. It is also very encouraging that two young scientists engaged in DISCO activities Dr Marilise Nogueira and Dr Sarah Frusciante have been selected to present their work at the conference.  

The final conference will represent a cross-section through all the activities and build a platform to showcase major achievements of PlantEngine.

Further information on the PlantEngine final conference: http://www.pqsonline.it/corsi-congressi/plantengine-april-15th-17th-2015